Thoughts and happenings from the Student Ministers at 5:17church.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Prayer Request - the next few weeks

Things have been getting quiet hectic around here. We've been settling into our new home nicely, but there's been plenty of things to do in the meantime.

Steph and I are heading to Japan in a few weeks for a short term mission with OMF. I will be posting up more details very soon. In the past few weeks we've been getting ready to go and only last Monday was I able to finally find some boots in my size at DFO! A huge praise point (since I was concerned about getting proper footwear for my weak ankles and didn't want the cost and risk of purchasing online from the US).

I'm also preaching this weekend on Colossians 2:6-23 which has been an immensely encouraging and exciting time in my preperations for it. However I've been feeling very fatigued in the last few days so please pray for good rest and energy to sustain me through.

Thank you :)

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