Thoughts and happenings from the Student Ministers at 5:17church.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

YF Camp

Tomorrow we'll be heading off to YF Camp. I think this is now my 7th one (7th for Steph as well!).

Each had their own highlights.

'02 - Pete Ko/Sergio, the book of Genesis, baptised on the beach, Steve Irwin appearing in 3 different group skits
'03 - Eugene Hor, various gospel talks, leading a bible study for the first time, Dai Gor Gor (Asian Big Brother), the Oh's cooking for us, the big challenge to enter full-time paid ministry
'04 - Gary Koo, the gospel according to John, massive bible study groups, fire alarms (!), leaving early because the PA thought I had TB(!), the first time Derek Zoolander made an appearance on Skit Night...
'05 - Pete Ko, fantastic talks on the topic of 'Love', fantastic camp site, Derek Zoolander makes his final appearance on Skit Night
'06 - Bill Colyer, talks on the 'Last Days', Ronnie with a face full of flour and looking very Geisha-ish, Helen's inspiring testimony, me doing a very bad impersonation of Tom Cruise...
'07 - Michael Kwan, talks on various 'Parables', very challenging discussions during bible study, the best camp site ever (pity we can't use it again), gorgeous sunset photography opportunities, Ivan and Stella in an impressive display of Bollywood finesse...

This year Steph and I have an opportunity to lead the 'beginners/non-Christian' group. The challenge before is bigger than I sometimes care to reflect upon, but praise God that He is bigger than the challenge. Our preparations this week have been good, but I get the feeling that we're looking forward to Monday night when it's all over with.

For your prayer considerations:

  • Praise God for another YF Camp again - for the opportunities get away with our brothers and sisters to hear God's word taught faithfully and to encourage each other to respond obediently
  • Praise God that preparations have gone relativley well so far, and pray that Steph and I will be trusting in God's sovereignty throughout the camp
  • Pray for Steph who will be leading on her own this year, for confidence in God, for confidence that scripture is sufficient, and that she would not be anxious in the time she leads
  • Pray for myself that I will also place my trust in God and not in myself as I lead
  • Pray for the non-Christians in our groups, that they will be impacted by the talks and the bible studies, and that the Spirit would be at work powerfully in them to bring about conviction of sin, repentance and new life in Christ
  • Pray for the patience of the non-Christians friends who bring them, that they would not be dissappointed at a seeming lack of fruit from camp, but trust in God's timing and sovereignty over their friends lives
Now, to finish packing...