Thoughts and happenings from the Student Ministers at 5:17church.

Monday, August 3, 2009


My goodness, is that the time! Here's a short update on what's been happening:

  • Exams and assignments were pretty tough towards the end of the semester, but Steph and I were able to make it through with His grace and achieved well :) We also learnt so much and really enjoyed our SWOT-VAC studies and exam preparation!
  • The 3-week holiday was jam packed with activities including preparations for workshops, days out and Steph heading down to Sydney for a week to catch up with the girls
  • For the past three weeks I've preached my way through the minor Prophet, Amos in preparation for giving the talks at the Brisbane Cantonese Christian Church Camp in October
  • RICE Brisbane has come and gone. You can find photos of the RICE Big Day Out here and photos of the RICE Rally here.

Upcoming stuff:

  • Mark Dever, author of 9 Marks of a Healthy Church, is coming to QTC to give a series of lectures. Come check it out!
  • Brisbane Leadership Training Plus is on again, registration closes this Friday. I'll be giving a seminar on 'How to pastor the Pastor'
  • CIA-SALT Camp is also coming up in the September holidays; and
  • as mentioned before, I'll be the guest speaker at the Brisbane Cantonese Christian Church Camp in October

So lots happening, lots to pray for, and even more to give thanks and praise to God for!

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